2023-09-05 Ame Zek's 'Unfinished sense of time' (Mix und Remix)
Video Playlist: Ame Zek's 'Unfinished sense of time' (Tape Mix und Tape Echo Mix)
Coverfoto: Ame Zek
Ame Zek's 'Unfinished sense of time' wird 2019 vom Reanimation Orchestra geprobt, aufgeführt und aufgenommen.
Die Aufnahme 2019-07-08 Ame Zek's 'Unfinished sense of time' im Studio Börne45 wird für die Mixe und Remixe verwendet. Vielen Dank an alle Beteiligten!!
Notizen zur Komposition:
Ame Zek composition for Orchestra
May 1st, 2019
A) dynamics, pauses (strings silent, brasses silent…)
B) overtones, resonances
C) voices (la, la, la…unarticulated wispers…)
D) noises
E) spaces (musicians changing space positions…
strategy - ‘‘… playing until coming to unisono to resolve it in pointillism…’’
1. points - becoming bigger circles - (velocity, volume?)
2. horizontal thin lines - becoming fat lines -(volume, velocity?)
3. Wave forms - square, sin, recht eck, random, ascending-descending—glissandos
4. voices-primitive—basics breaths, La, La, La
5. Hands, shoes, body, steps + wooden sticks?
6. spaces-up/down/sud/west/nord/east directions
7. Pauses-silences, mutings...
8. tempos - very slow/very fast
9. pitches- H-M-L
Unfinished sense of time
• 12 short parts, each is approximately 2 – 2½ mins made of 10 breath cycles (in and out)
• Each breath cycle is ca. 14 secs (7 in, 7 out) (or shorter e.g. chest breathing, or longer e.g. circular breathing)
• All breaths (in and out) should start louder than they finish
• Exhaling should generally be louder than inhaling
• Pauses can be taken as necessary for 1.5 cycles (or only inhale)
• Performers must not play together, but follow their own tempo and breath rhythm
• Each part starts with a deep sound from Jack or Ingo in different directions, starting and ending in dark, muted, internal sounds, arcing in the middle to brighter, open, external sounds (always deep in pitch).
• Make transitions as smooth as possible but within parts allow sparse playing
• Each part (apart from the last) ends with someone (order not predetermined) bowing or striking a chime (possibly with vibration by shaking) and simultaneously saying/screaming CHANGE in mother tongue!
die Stücke:
01 bow on bow sextet, turn table
02 violine viola chords duet, cello one note (Marie)
03 circulate breathing, contra bass clarinet, tuba, mouth harmonicas quartet (Elo)
04 five long tones (Guilherme)
05 writing with pencils and rubbing piezzo mics, air (Marie)
06 spinning (Jeff)
07 feedback speaker, inner piano, electro smog (Valeria)
08 e-bow sextet, prepared hand drum, telephone pickups (Jeff)
09 electric sockets matrix, electric circuits sinus tone (Guilherme)
10 replaying 09 with own instruments (Elo)
11 retuning detunning disassembling of own instrument with voice and amplification (Ingo)
12 playing loud staccatissimo marcato on instruments (as left at the end of the 011) (Leo)
1. [Jack] Bow on bow
Bowing orchestra: bowing an amplified bow with another bow
JD: Turntable sub base
2. [Ingo] Viola/violin chords duet
Ingo/Jack: slightly retune bow, and continuing to bow on amplified bow but with the other hand leading
JD: slowing down the spinning of the turn table to super slow motion; Leo: guitar bowing; Guilherme: one long note
3. [Jack] Tuba/contrabass clarinet duet: circular breathing
Other five performers: mouth harmonica, only inhale
JD: hand turntable needle in & out, always different attack and release of the sounds
4. [Ingo] Five long tones (multiphonics/overharmonics/chant) with five pauses
Every execution should be different from each other
JD: Play white noise
5. [Jack] Writing with pencils on piezzo mics and rubbing it out with eraser
JD: upward scratching
Everyone: air/breath sounds crescendo to forte, transformed until limit of whistle sounds (no actual whistling)
6. [Ingo] Spinning
One hand using Tibetan bowls for spinning marbles inside, other hand makes arpeggios on mouth harmonica
JD: Play only sound of CD motor spinning
7. [Jack] Playing Feedback and electro phone smog
Use telephone mic and mobile phone for detecting electromagnetic-field sounds in space and play it and interacting
with feedback in the given situation. Also take photographs with phone. Guilherme: hit resonant body of cello
8. [Ingo] eBow orchestra/pitched drum/telephone mics
Go to hand drum, pick up and combine sounds from eBows (controlled by Leo) using telephone mic (arpeggios etc.)
9. [Jack] Electric sockets & electric circuits – BRING YOUR PHONE CHARGER!
Use a telephone mic to detect electromagnetic fields from your transformer/charger (explore corners, high/low etc.),
creating pitched sounds. Can vary from spinning over a whole group transformers to isolating sounds one by one.
10. [Ingo] Replaying part 9 with own instruments.
Attempt to recreate sounds (or only movement) experienced in part 9
11. [Jack] Retuning/detuning/disassembling of own instrument with voice and amplification
Retune/detune/disassemble your instrument, accompanying changes of sound with singing, amplifying unusual parts
(tuning keys/inside of resonance body/vibrating hidden places) with piezzo mic
12. [Ingo] Playing loud with your instruments
Staccatissimo/marcato on instruments (as left at end of part 11)
chime 1-2752,96Hz/F7
chime 2-2905,60Hz/F7♯
chime 3-3106,88Hz /G7
chime 4-3317,76Hz/G7♯
chime 5-3366,72Hz /G7♯
chime 6-3539,68Hz/A7
chime 7-3638,88Hz/A7♯
recorded at Studio Börne45, Berlin on July 08th, 2019
played by Reanimation Orchestra
recording & mixing by Roy Caroll
Elo Masing - Violine, voc, chime, mouth harmonica, E-bow, contact mic, electromagnetic pickup, mobile phone, bowl, pencil and rubber eraser
JD Zazie - Turntable, CD player, field recordings, voc, mouth harmonica, chime, E-bow, contact mic, electromagnetic pickup, mobile phone
Ingólfur Vilhjálmsson - contrabass, clarinet, voc, bow, mouth harmonica, chime, E- bow, contact mic, electromagnetic pickup, bowl, milk frother, pencil and rubber eraser
Ame Zek - prepared slide electric guitar, voc, bow, prepared hand drum, speaker, mouth harmonica, chime, E-bow, contact mic, electromagnetic pickup, bowl, pencil and rubber eraser
Jack Adler-McKean - tuba, voc, bow, chime, mouth harmonica, e-bow, contact mic, electromagnetic pickup, mobile phone, bowl, pencil and rubber eraser
Guilherme Rodrigues - cello, voc, bow, inner piano, sinus tone, mouth harmonica, chime, E-bow, contact mic, electromagnetic pickup, bowl, pencil and rubber eraser
Marie Takahashi - viola, voc, bow, mouth harmonica, chime, E-bow, contact mic, electromagnetic pickup, bowl, pencil and rubber eraser
die Aufnahmen:
190708_1918 07 feedback speaker, inner piano, electro smog
190708_1918-2 07 feedback speaker, inner piano, electro smog
190708_1929 02 violine viola chords duet, cello one note (soundcheck)
190708_1935-cut1 07 feedback speaker, inner piano, electro smog
190708_1935-cut2 07 feedback speaker, inner piano, electro smog
190708_1955-cut1 08 e-bow sextet, prepared hand drum, telephone pickups
190708_1955-cut1 08 e-bow sextet, prepared hand drum, telephone pickups
190708_2013 09 electric sockets matrix, electric circuits sinus tone
190708_2018 09 electric sockets matrix, electric circuits sinus tone
190708_2025 03 circulate breathing, contra bass clarinet, tuba, mouth harmonicas quartet
190708_2029 10 replaying 09 with own instruments
190708_2037 11 retuning detunning disassembling of own instrument with voice and amplification
190708_2042 12 playing loud staccatissimo marcato on instruments (as left at the end of the 011)
190708_2047-cut1 11 retuning detunning disassembling of own instrument with voice and amplification
190708_2047-cut2 12 playing loud staccatissimo marcato on instruments (as left at the end of the 011)
190708_2132 01 bow on bow sextet, turn table
190708_2136 01 bow on bow sextet, turn table
190708_2147-Cut1 02 violine viola chords duet, cello one note
190708_2147-Cut2 02 violine viola chords duet, cello one note
190708_2157 03 circulate breathing, contra bass clarinet, tuba, mouth harmonicas quartet
190708_2202 03 circulate breathing, contra bass clarinet, tuba, mouth harmonicas quartet
190708_2207 04 five long tones
190708_2211 04 five long tones
190708_2216 05 writing with pencils and rubbing piezzo mics, air
190708_2220 05 writing with pencils and rubbing piezzo mics, air
190708_2226 06 spinning
190708_2230 06 spinning
Toningenieur: Roy Carrol
Mikro Set-Up im Studio Börne45 von Alexander Fragenheim:
Royer R122 And R122V
Neumann U67s, KM256s, U87
Brauner VM1s
Bruel and Kjaer 4006s and 4003s
Schoeps CMC w/ cardioid caps
Sennheiser MD421, MD441
wahrscheinlich Grace preamps
insgesamt 28 Aufnahmen in 24 Bit, 48 kHz (mono, stereo)
Unfinished sense of time - single instrument files
jede Aufnahme besteht aus 15 mono Tonspuren. dabei sind PA, room, pno und bs-cl mit jeweils 2 Spuren in stereo.
die Spuren der Instrumente werden in Audacity neu zusammengefügt und in verschiedenen Kombinationen und solo als stereo.wav (24 Bit, 48 kHz) exportiert.
dadurch, dass nicht immer alle Spuren verwendet werden, erscheinen einzelne Instrumente und die Charakteristik der Mikrofone deutlicher im Mix.
190708_1918 (6 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_1918 (bs-cl stereo).wav
190708_1918 (Room LR stereo).wav
190708_1918 (VC - Leo OH).wav
190708_1918-2 (8 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_1918-2 (Leo Room stereo).wav
190708_1918-2 (PA Room stereo).wav
190708_1929 (14 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_1929 (Bs-Cl stereo).wav
190708_1929 (Kanal 1-6 stereo).wav
190708_1929 (Kanal 7-14 stereo).wav
190708_1929 (Leo Amp-Oh stereo).wav
190708_1929 (PA RL stereo).wav
190708_1929 (Piano stereo).wav
190708_1929 (Piano und Raum stereo).wav
190708_1929 (Raum stereo).wav
190708_1929 (Va,Vc stereo).wav
190708_1929 (Va,Vc,Vn und Tuba stereo).wav
190708_1929 (Vn und Tuba stereo).wav
190708_1935-cut1 (10 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_1935-cut1 (PA stereo).wav
190708_1935-cut1 (RoomLR-N PA Piano stereo).wav
190708_1935-cut1 (RoomLR-N stereo).wav
190708_1935-cut2 (8 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_1935-cut2 (10 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_1935-cut2 (Room-LR PA stereo).wav
190708_1955-Cut1 (10 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_1955-Cut1 (PA Leo_OH).wav
190708_1955-Cut1 (PA room Leo OH stereo).wav
190708_1955-Cut1 (PA room Leo_OH).wav
190708_1955-Cut1 (PA).wav
190708_1955-Cut2 (10 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_1955-Cut2 (Leo_OH 2x mono).wav
190708_1955-Cut2 (PA Leo_OH).wav
190708_1955-Cut2 (PA room Leo_OH).wav
190708_1955-Cut2 (PA).wav
190708_2013 (8 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2013 (Room PA Leo_OH stereo).wav
190708_2013 (Room PA stereo).wav
190708_2018 (10 Kanal stereo N).wav
190708_2018 (PA Room Leo_Oh stereo).wav
190708_2018 (Room Leo_Oh stereo).wav
190708_2025 (6 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2025 (8 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2025 (Leo_Amp bs-cl stereo).wav
190708_2025 (Leo_Amp stereo).wav
190708_2025 (Leo_Amp Va stereo).wav
190708_2025 (Raum Va stereo).wav
190708_2025 (Va stereo).wav
190708_2029 (6 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2029 (Room bs-cl stereo).wav
190708_2029 (Room).wav
190708_2029 (Va Leo_Amp bs-cl stereo).wav
190708_2029 (Va Leo_Amp stereo).wav
190708_2037 (9 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2037 (JD Leo_Amp stereo).wav
190708_2037 (JD Vn Vc Leo_Amp stereo).wav
190708_2037 (JD Vn Vc Tub Bs-Cl stereo).wav
190708_2037 (JD Vn Vc Tub stereo).wav
190708_2037 (Vn Vc stereo).wav
190708_2042 (14 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2042 (bs-cl Leo Pa stereo).wav
190708_2042 (JD Leo Vn Va Vc Tub stereo).wav
190708_2047-cut1 (12 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2047-cut1 (bs-cl Leo Pno stereo).wav
190708_2047-cut1 (bs-cl Tub Va Vn Vc JD stereo).wav
190708_2047-cut1 (Leo Va Vn Vc JD stereo).wav
190708_2047-cut2 (12 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2047-cut2 (bs-cl Leo pno stereo).wav
190708_2047-cut2 (Leo tub Va vn vc JD stereo).wav
190708_2132 (14 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2132 (bs-cl Jd Leo Tub Va Vn Vc stereo).wav
190708_2132 (PA pno Raum stereo).wav
190708_2136 (1 - 8 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2136 (9 - 16 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2136 (16 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2147-Cut1 (16 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2147-Cut1 (bs-cl Leo Pa pno stereo).wav
190708_2147-Cut1 (bs-cl tub Va Vc Vn stereo).wav
190708_2147-Cut1 (pno room tub Va Vc Vn stereo).wav
190708_2147-Cut1 (room PA stereo).wav
190708_2147-Cut2 (16 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2147-Cut2 (bs-cl JD Leo PA stereo).wav
190708_2147-Cut2 (bs-cl leo PA tub Va Vc Vn stereo).wav
190708_2147-Cut2 (pno room tub Va Vc Vn stereo).wav
190708_2147-Cut2 (room pno stereo).wav
190708_2147-Cut2 (tub Va Vc Vn stereo).wav
190708_2157 (14 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2157 (bc-cl Jd Leo room Vc Vn stereo).wav
190708_2157 (pno room tuv Va Vc Vn stereo).wav
190708_2157 (room pno stereo).wav
190708_2202 (14 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2202 (bs-cl Jd leo Vc Vn stereo).wav
190708_2202 (pno room tub Va Vc Vn stereo).wav
190708_2207 (10 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2207 (bs-cl leo pno stereo).wav
190708_2207 (bs-cl tub Va Vc Vn stereo).wav
190708_2211 (12 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2211 (bs-cl leo tub Va Vc Vn stereo).wav
190708_2211 (pno room stereo).wav
190708_2216 (12 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2216 (bs-cl PA tub Va Vc Vn stereo).wav
190708_2216 (PA pno room stereo).wav
190708_2220 (14 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2220 (bs-cl leo tub Va Vc Vn stereo).wav
190708_2220 (PA pno room stereo).wav
190708_2220 (pno room stereo).wav
190708_2226 (12 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2226 (bs-cl leo Va Vc Vn Jd stereo).wav
190708_2226 (pno room Va Vc Vn Jd stereo).wav
190708_2230 (14 Kanal stereo).wav
190708_2230 (bs-cl leo Jd tub Va Vc Vn stereo).wav
190708_2230 (Jd stereo).wav
190708_2230 (pno stereo).wav
190708_2230 (room stereo).wav
diese Dateien werden dann 1 mal in Foobar2000 algorhytmisch (randomize) gemischt
2023-10-03 Ame Zek's 'Unfinished sense of time' (randomize Mix)
Ame Zek's 'Unfinished sense of time' aufgeführt vom Reanimation Orchestra:
Fotos während der Aufnahme am 2019-07-08 im Studio Börne45
alle Fotos und Videos: Ian Stenhouse (Flickr) mit einer Canon EOS 7D - used by permission, thanks very much, Ian!
die Größe der Fotos ist dem Videoformat angepasst
die Reihenfolge der Fotos ist chronologisch
verwendet in:
2024-03-05 abspielen Ame Zek's 'Unfinished sense of time' 2 (Tape Mix und Tape Echo Mix 2) (Tape 9)
2024-02-20 abspielen Ame Zek's 'Unfinished sense of time' (Tape Mix und Tape Echo Mix 2) (Tape 9)
2024-02-17 aufnehmen Ame Zek's 'Unfinished sense of time' (Tape Mix und Tape Echo Mix 2) (Tape 9)
2023-12-14 Ame Zek's 'Unfinished sense of time' (Tape Mix und Tape Echo Mix 2)
2023-11-15 abspielen 'unfinished sense of time' (Tape Mix und Tape Echo Mix) (Tape 8)
2023-11-13 Aufnahme 'unfinished sense of time' (Tape Mix und Tape Echo Mix) (Tape 8)
2023-10-25 timetable Komposition für Zither (4 E-Bow-coil Pickup Variante)
2023-10-16 timetable Komposition Zither (erste Aufführung)
2023-10-13 timetable Komposition Zither (Audio)
2023-10-05 timetable Komposition aus Ame Zek's 'Unfinished sense of time' randomize Mix 1 - 4 (Komposition)
2023-10-03 Ame Zek's 'Unfinished sense of time' (randomize Mix)
2023-09-05 Ame Zek's 'Unfinished sense of time' (Mix und Remix)
2023 rauschpartikel CC Lizenz (Creative Commons) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (To view a copy of the license follow the link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)